Monday, November 29, 2010

I am inspired by cooking and admire the way a piece of art can be made and served in a palate. My blog will take you to the journey of my life garnished with different mouthwatering recipes.

Time and again, someone or the other will keep writing about food, recipes, restaurants, dinning experiences, food culture. Everyone has a say about food and so do I. Everyone has their own style of presenting their idea about food and so do I. Here, in my blog, you will experience mouth watering confrontation with recipes so sinfully chocolaty, savouries that are not worth resisting but to take a mouthful. Recipes that are easy and delicacies that are worth putting time and effort for. There will be something for everyone.....................but before you can reach to a conclusion of assuming my blog to be just another pale list of recipes then just hold your breath!!! My blog is all about food but it is not complete without beautifying the short stories of my life. My life has been surrounded by great foodies and dynamic cooks. Every one who has a nag for cooking has got inspired by home made food steered by their mother or grand mother. So, on this ground my story is no different. Cooking runs through my blood and reason is my mum and my grand mums. one taught me how to cook. I was been born and bought up like a princess, 22 members in the family and i was the only one to be cuddled and pampered. The first child in the family and its easy to figure out that i was totally spoilt. "My Life was laced with Ganache"               
Life laced with Ganache means a life with full of luxury, comfort and richness. A life which grew believing in FairyTales . A life which has grown knowing nothing about the truth of the world. A life which was kept away from the wickedness of the society. Away from all miseries, struggle and fight to survive. "Ganache" here is used as a metaphor for luxury is a mixture of chocolate & cream so, imagine a life which was laced (topped, decorated or garnised) with it******** 

Above paragraphs are just a sheer introduction of what i will be getting to you on my next post. My next post will be everything that i have promised you to give, a beautiful combination of life and food :-) So, wait till i am back.................soon :-) Till then adiós with a short and sweet recipe of how to make a  "GANACHE" 


250 gms semisweet or bitter sweet chocolate slab
3/4 cup thick whipping cream
25 gms unsalted butter
1 tbls cognac or rum (optional)

Cut the chocolate into small bite size, chuck it in the double boiler and then add the cream and butter. Mix well till it becomes slightly thick and rich. take it off the heat and let it cool for just a little while and its ready for frosting or lacing any cake or desert. 
Note: Even truffles can be made with ganache.

So, go ahead lace your cake with some ganache.............I'll be back soon. Happy ganache making!!! Ciao :-)